Art Map 2004-2014
Art Map 2004-2014
Artists from Eno were unorganized group and they wanted to start sometihing new. Art Map was founded yaer 2004 to create and maintain contacts between local artists and to help to organize events and exhibitions. First Art Map summer event was organized year 2005. There was joint exhibition in Uimaharju and other personal exhibitions at different locations in Eno. The idea was and is that we offer people chance to get know our leisurely exhibitions and to have easy interaction with the artist.
After that Art Map have become a year round and not only summertime event. Exhibitions are taken place in Eno and also in other parts of North-Carelia and elsewhere in Findland. Exhibitions have taken place at Art Galleries and Art Museums. Professional artist of Art Map have been participated for excample to North-Carelia event at Senaatintori in Helsinki, to Cultrips-project, to Transmission of Artworks and to Art orienteering.
Art Map have had cooperation with Netherland and Sweden between 2006-2010. Art Map was invated to Netherland by Huis voor Europa-project 2006 and had exhibition during they visit there. Cooperation with Sweden, artists of Kinda-town started 2009. Art Map had two exhibitions there and then we invated artist fron Kinda to our summer exhibions to Joensuu and Eno 2010. That year theme was 'Climate chage'.
Year 2012 Art Map had joint exhibition at Imatra Art Museum. Year 2013 was the widest and most imposing exhibition summer. At the same time exhibition had taken place at Varkaus Art Museum and in Eno home galleries. Varkaus exhibition was diffrent becourse exhibition 'Change' expanded outdoors at Varkaus city area. People could see art by walking in parks and greenspaces.
Art Map Advent Calendar since 2008 had been relaxed winter exhibition outdoors at Joensuu Pedestrian Street Pavilion. Calendar opens also in our internet page.
Members of Art Map year 2013 were Helena Vartiainen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Eve Huttunen, Tuula Liimatta, Valde Hassinen and Merja-Leena Määttälä.
2014 Art Map celebrates it's 10 years. This will be tenth annual summer happening. We spend this Year of celebration having exhibitions in Joensuu and Eno. There will be paintings, photographs, sculptures, graphics, drawings, ceramics and environmental art.