Art Map Christmas 2016
Art Map art sales exhibition at Pop-Up Square at Metropoli in Joensuu
Dec 7th - 21st 2016
Art Map 2016 Common Barn
Art Map Joint Exhibitions in Joensuu, Kontiolahti, and Lieksa.
Art Map of Eno 2015 Hangover
Art Map Joint Exhibitions in Joensuu, Eno, and Ilomantsi.
Art Map Christmas 2014
Art Map Advent Calendar
You can find Art Map Advent Calendar
in Joensuu Pedestrian Street Pavilion
1.12.2014 - 13.1.2015.
POP UP Art Map exhibition and sale
1.-14.12.2014 Metropol Shoppingcenter
Open every day 12-18
Celebration in Art Port Taidesatama 2014
Art Map celebrates 10 year anniversary by the exhibition in Kotka Art Port Taidesatama.
Joint exhibition. Reetta Gröhn-Soininen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Eve Huttunen, Tuula Liimatta, Merja-Leena Määttälä, Johanna Turunen ja Helena Vartiainen.
Paintings, photographs, sculptures and ceramics.
Art Port Taidesatama
Tornatorintie 124
48100 Kotka
5. - 30.8.2014
Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 11-15
Celebration in Gallery Kohina 2014
Art Maps 10 year anniversary, joint exhibition in Gallery Kohina.
Reetta Gröhn-Soininen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Eve Huttunen, Tuula Liimatta, Merja-Leena Määttälä, Johanna Turunen ja Helena Vartiainen.
Gallery Kohina To Gallery
Koskikatu 1, 80100 Joensuu
Open 15.7 - 2.8.2014
Mon-Fri 10-17
Sat 10-15, Sun 12-16
Art Map Advent Calendar 2013
You can find Art Map Advent Calendar
in Joensuu Pedestrian Street Pavilion
and here:
To the Calendar
Change - Art Map in Varkaus
From 31st of May to 8th of September 2013
Open Tue-Thu 10 am to 5 pm, Fri, Sun 10 am to 4 pm
Free entrance
Valde Hassinen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Eve Huttunen, Tuula Liimatta,
Merja-Leena Määttälä and Helena Vartiainen.
Works in Varkaus Art Museum and outdoors in Päiviönsaari, Hertunranta and Taulumäki.
Art Map in Varkaus
Varkaus Art Museum
Wredenkatu 5A, 78250 Varkaus
Art Map Christmas 2012
You can find Art Map in Joensuu
* Art Museum
* Pedestrian Street
* Gallery Kohina
and also in Annala, Eno.
Poster on the left (in Finnish)
can be enlarged by clicking.
More info over here.
To the Advent Calendar
Art Karelia 2012
North Carelian art sales event
from 24th to 26th of August 2012
Culture Center Karjalantalo (Ilosaari, restaurant Kerubi)
Siltakatu 1, Joensuu
Open Fri from 3 pm to 6 pm, Sat-Sun 10 am to 6 pm.
Free admittance
Additional information
Art Map in Imatra Art Museum 2012
Art Map exhibition in Imatra Art Museum
from 3rd to 24th of August 2012.
Virastokatu 1, 55120 Imatra
Museum is open Mon-Thu 10 am to 7 pm,
on Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.
More information
Art Map summer 2012
The eighth Art Map summer event during July.
Art Map 2012
Art Map Christmas 2011
You can find Art Map in Christmas time in Joensuu
* Art Museum
* Pedestrian street
* Taitokortteli
* Gallery Kohina
More info by clicking the picture on the left
or here.
To Advent Calendar
"Maaemon Huuto" in the Sanoma House, Helsinki
"Maaemon Huuto" (Mother Earth Cry) - a pro-nature exhibition - in the Media Piazza of the Sanoma House, Töölönlahdenkatu 2, Helsinki. Open from 10th to 23rd of October. Exhibition is arranged by Galleria Fogga.
Merja-Leena Määttälä and Helena Vartiainen of the Art Map have been invited to take part in the exhibition.
Free opening on Thursday the 13th of October at 3 pm. Welcome!
Speech; WWF-Finland secretary general Liisa Rohweder
Sanoma House on the map
(click the picture)
Art Map opening at Kivipoiju 2011
Art Map 2011 was opened at Kivipoiju in Haapalahti of Eno on Friday the 1st of July 2011. The joint exhibition of Art Map takes place at Kivipoiju in a restored former cattle shed.
Photos of the opening
Art Map Christmas 2010
Advent Calendar opens up in Joensuu pedestrian street and in the web on the 1st of December 2010.
Art Map joint exhibition is open in Gallery Pohjapiste from 6th to 11th of December. Marja Hassinen-Marjomaa, Valde Hassinen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Eve Huttunen, Merja-Leena Määttälä and Helena Vartiainen take part in it.
Additional information
Kinda, Sweden in November 2010
Climate change theme continues in Kisa li´brary in Kinda, Sweden. The artists are Marja Hassinen-Marjomaa, Valde Hassinen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Merja-Leena Määttälä and Helena Vartiainen together with Swedes Veronica Gullbrandson and Inger Södergren.
Exhibition is open from 5th to 25th of November 2010.
Art Map joint exhibition October 2010
A joint exhibition of Art Map memebers and Swedish guests in Ahjo, Joensuu.
Marja Hassinen-Marjomaa, Valde Hassinen, Eve Huttunen, Merja-Leena Määttälä and Helena Vartiainen from the Art Map.
Veronica Gullbradson, Ulla Gustavsson, Inger Södergren, Ilkka Timonen and Christina Wassberg from Sweden.
Photos of the exhibition
Art Map summer 2010
The sixth Art Map of Eno will be open during July 2010.
Art Map summer 2010
Art Map Christmas 2009
Waiting for Christmas, exhibitions, open doors, ...
Art Map Xmas
Art Map summer 2009
The fifth Art Map of Eno will be open during July 2009.
Art Map summer 2009
Art Map in Gallery Anna, Espoo
Art Map joint exhibition from 23rd of June to 10th of July 2009 in Sello library.
To photos
Art Orienteering 18.-19.2009
Art Map of Eno takes part in North Karelia Art Orienteering from 18th to 19th on April 2009.
Exhibitions in Eno
Art Map Advent Calendar 2008
Art Map Advent Calendar pads open up daily in December both in Joensuu and in the web. Hail the new, ye lads and lasses!
To the Calendar!
Pohja Christmas
Artists of Eno exhibition 5.-7.12.2008 in Pohjapiste gallery.
Marja Hassinen, Valde Hassinen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Tuija Kakko, Merja-Leena Määttälä, Päivi Romppanen, Helena Vartiainen.
To Pohja Christmas...
Senaatintori square 13.-15.6.2008
Art Map of Eno is present in Ilo elää Karjalassa event in Senaatintori square in Helsinki from the 13th to 15th of June 2008.
Additional information
Art Map opening 2007
Art Map of Eno was opened in Louhitalo on Friday the 29th of June.
Dance performance in the opening
Natalya Zhestovskaya and Grigory Glazunov, St. Petersburg.
Hengelo, Netherlands
Artists of Eno visited Hengelo Netherlands in October 2006, accompanied by Anne Pehkonen and Henry Pyykönen. The event was related to the Finnish chairmanship in the EU. The artists were invited by Huis voor Europa -project. During the visit an exhibition was held both in Huis voor Europa and Galerie 16.
Exhibition poster (257 kb) »
Joen yö (Night of the river)
Artists of Eno took part in the Joen Yö boat escort in the city of Joensuu on the 31st of August 2006. The theme this year was "Orange".
Exhibition in Markku Pölönen's hall 2006
Valde Hassinen, Reima Hirvonen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Tuija Kakko, Merja Malkki, Päivi Romppanen, Petra Sotikov and Helena Vartiainen took part in the Artists of Eno joint exhibition in Markku Pölönen's hall 2006.
Photographs from the exhibition
Luonnollisesti (Naturally) 2006
Joint exhibitions in the city of Joensuu, winter 2006
"Luonnollisesti" ("Naturally") Ahjo Hall, Joensuu
Valde Hassinen, Reima Hirvonen, Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Merja Malkki, Päivi Romppanen, Helena Vartiainen.
"Sinistä pitkin" ("Through the blue") Main library, Joensuu Tuija Kakko, Sirpa Ylhäinen.
The opening in Ahjo on the 20th of February 2006