
Butohpainting is a process which is based on the concept of combining dance and visual art.Prosess is developed together with Odd-Dance. These photos are from Butohpainting masterclasses performs during 1-7.7 2008. This Masterclass was held in Finland, Eno`s Revonkylä. And theachers in this masterclass were Coreofgrafer/Butohdancer Natalia Zhestovskaya and VisualArtist/teacher Merja Malkki. Warm thanks to all participants!!!

The process is as important as the outcome: art.

The participants must think as they are working through the process...

...the role of the individual in this process depends on mood, the other people in the group, emotion, time of day, background etc... All this 'colours' the process and makes it different each time.

Dance-painting is wonderful project work. It opens your mind and brings a group closer together.

This photo is from performance wich was held in Revonkylä 6.7 2008. People in photo are: Liana Potila,Mirva Marttinen,Osku Leinonen, Andrei Aforin, Saara Holmberg, Katja Pankka and Anastasia Belikova
This photo is from performance wich was held in Revonkylä 6.7 2008. People in photo are: Liana Potila,Mirva Marttinen,Osku Leinonen, Andrei Aforin, Saara Holmberg, Katja Pankka and Anastasia Belikova